With around 100 participants overall, BOI is not a small event. First and foremost, the host needs go provide a competition infrastructure, mainly consisting of competition PCs, one per contestant, plus a competition server. BOI 2022 competition infrastructure will be provided by the computer science department of Lübeck University, a core partner of the whole olympiad.
In addition, we are trying to add a rich social programme to BOI 2022. In this respect, mainly, the olympiad is generously supported by Lübeck hoch 3. Based on this support, we will make sure that BOI 2022 participants will get in touch with both city and citizens of Lübeck.
Furthermore, we are happy and proud that BOI 2022 is supported and hence acknowledged by the IT industry. These two renowned companies contribute to this olympiad with their sponsorship: Lufthansa Industry Solutions and Google. Their support provides resources to enhance BOI 2022 in several respects. In particular, it allowed us to invite a delegation from Ukraine to participate in this event.

BWINF is a joint initiative of Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (German Computer Society), Fraunhofer-Verbund IUK-Technologie, and Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik (MPI-INF). MPI-INF, in particular, supports BWINF’s activities in participating and hosting regional CS olympiads like BOI.